Paintings created in 2003 I 2003Mixed media, cardboard 27,5x24,5 cm.Synthetic connection 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 14x21 cm.I’m putting my clothes on 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 40x30 cm.Connection 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 32x23 cm.Winter on the pavement 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 30x30,5 cm.Thoughtfulness 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 33x22 cm.Wheel theory 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 17,5x18,5 cm.Omni-directional reactions 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 33x22 cm.Inter-organic relations 2003Private collection, FranceOn the beach 2003Private collection, FranceInvalidation of reality 2003Private collection, FranceRoad 2003Private collection, FranceMe and he 2003Private collection, FranceWalking with dog 2003Private collection, FranceDancing in a red blouse 2003Private collection, FranceCombination 2003Private collection, FranceReceptionist 2003Mixed tecnique, cardboard 100x70cm Private collection, FranceMeeting of two 2003Private collection, FrancePortrait M.M. 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 23,5x30 cm.Devourer 2003Private collection, FranceI am in TOA 2003Ballpen, paper 15x21 cm.Up the stairs 2003Mixed media, chalk paper 39,5x32 cm.Self-portrait in still life 2002/3Mixed media, collage, cardboard 43x28,5 cm.Spade into the ground 2003Ballpen, paper 15x21 cm.Rally into space 2003Private collection, FranceThe same things 2003Private collection, FrancePortrait M.M. 2003Mixed technique, cardboard 23,5x30 cm.Conversation at the table 2003Mixed media, cardboard 51x36 cm.Roach 2003Mixed media, paper 21x29,5 cm.Sketch for a portrait 2003Ink, cardboard. Private collection Poland.Deconstruction 2001Mixed media, cardboard. Private collection Poland.Thoughts thrown out 2003Acrylic, cardboard, 39x29 cm.